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Underwear can be easily folded in many ways. No matter what you read online, the only thing you need to keep in mind is: always make sure to fold your underwear in a way that makes it easy to grab the piece that you need, and always make sure you fold them in a way that is gentle on the fabric.

Fold by size

This is the easiest way to fold your underwear. It’s also the best way to keep your lingerie drawer tidy and organized. Simply fold your underwear by type, e.g. briefs, bra, g-strings, etc. Organize them, so that the smallest are on the top and the largest are on the bottom. Then, lay them flat. That's a pretty neat way to keep your underwear drawer tidy.

This brings us to our next way to fold your underwear.

Lay it flat

If you don't want to fold your underwear by size, then you should lay them flat. You can do this in a couple of ways. You can lay them flat, and then fold them up or you can lay them flat, and keep them flat until you need them.

Another way to fold your underwear is the taco fold.

Fold it like a taco

This is the third way to fold your underwear. It's also a great way to keep your lingerie drawer organized. You can fold your underwear as if they are tacos. Simply grab the fabric on one side of the underwear, and fold it in half. Then, fold the other side on top of the first side.

Traveling? This might be the way you want to fold your underwear if you're traveling. In fact, by folding your underwear this way, you'll reduce the space they take up in your suitcase.

But what happens if you're bad at tacos?

Fold it like a burrito

This is the fourth way to fold your underwear. It's also a great way to keep your lingerie drawer organized. You can fold your underwear as if they are burritos. Simply grab the fabric on one side of the underwear, and fold it in half. Then, fold the other side on top of the first side.

This way is perfect for those of you who can't fold tacos.

So, to wrap things up (no puns intended) and answer the question: what is the best way to fold underwear? The answer is more than one. The best way to fold your underwear is the one that is best for you. Which is the best way to fold your underwear? It's up to you. Just be sure to fold your underwear in a way that is gentle on the fabric and in a way that is easy to grab the piece that you need.

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